AMDT elevates smallholder farmers in the Africa Food Systems Forum 2023

AMDT elevates smallholder farmers in the Africa Food Systems Forum 2023

Partner in building smallholder famers capability towards food security

Dar es Salaam. 05-08 September 2023. As Tanzania hosts this year’s Africa Food Systems Forum, AMDT proudly partners with the Government through the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in facilitating a global platform for experts and the community of practice on discussions focusing on building back better food systems and food sovereignty with youth and women at the center. The theme for the Summit is “Recover, Regenerate, Act: Africa’s Solutions to Food Systems Transformation,”, which identifies three steps needed to achieve this global transformative journey towards food security.

AMDT’s mandate in the current decade (established in 2014) has been facilitating large-scale systemic changes that transform the market systems in Tanzania’s key agri-subsector. Currently in the New Programme Strategy 2023-2026, AMDT works in the Sunflower and Pulses subsectors, having dropped Maize after a considerable reduction of main sector bottlenecks to improve national production and value addition.

By partnering with the government, AMDT ensures a continued facilitation of public private partnerships to drive Tanzanian agriculture towards levels that resonate with national and global priorities on food security. This year marks the first time for AMDT to participate directly as a National Sponsor in these global platforms.

Currently, AMDT works in various pathways to improve key market systems of Sunflower (and the edible oil industry) as well as in Pulses (a major food and nutritional security crop-sector in Tanzania). Key interventions in this 2023 farming season is enhancing breeding and commercialization of quality improved seeds in the two subsector, transformation of provision of essential services to smallholder farmers (agri-input supply, business development services, rural advisory services etc) to bring about efficacy and productivity that will translate into sustained employment and income opportunities for farmers and private sector players in the value chains.

The theme this year “Recover, Regenerate, Act: Africa’s Solutions to Food Systems Transformation carries three key message take aways communicate clear national and global priorities alignment regarding food system transformations for food security:

1 Recovery calls for decisive strategies and actions to rebuild food systems after multiple crises and shocks.

2 Regenerate emphasizes the need to regenerate natural capital resources with adaptation practices, innovation, and technology for sustainable food production in a changing climate context.

3 Act urges urgent action to accelerate food systems transformation through better policies, practices, and investments.

For more information regarding the Summit and AMDT role and participation, please follow us for daily updates on our X (formerly Twitter) handle @amdttanzania.

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