Agenda: Developing Sunflower value chain market systems
AMDT has awarded Farm Africa a USD 250,000 grant to implement a sunflower commercialization project in Singida and Manyara regions. This project is a continuation of partnership between both sides in the development of sunflower, the leading edible oil crop in Tanzania. The grant will facilitate execution of interventions up to year 2023 in the two regions.
Systemic constraints in a number of market systems will be unlocked in the sunflower value chain. One major focus will be on the enhancing collaboration across the value chain and facilitating pro-poor agreements between smallholder farmers, small scale processors and larger processors. These interventions are expected to provide increased and sustainable employment and income opportunities and impact the livelihoods of thousands of people.
As the lead agency in the project, Farm Africa will work with private sector actors and public sector institutions, including several banks.